Firewire 800 DC Plug for IQ1, IQ2 and IQ3 Backs

Introducing the Firewire 800 DC Plug for IQ1, IQ2 and IQ3 Backs

The Phase One Firewire 800 DC plug is designed to provide continuous power to the IQ1, IQ2 and IQ3 digital backs.

This plug, which connects and is powered by a standard Phase One Battery Charger Power Supply, makes it possible to connect the computer to the IQ digital back via USB and supply power through the Firewire connection simultaneously. The benefit of this connection is that you will not have to change the battery. In addition, for those using the XF Camera System with an IQ3 digital back the XF camera body will also be charged due to the power sharing feature. 

Power Management Specifications

When the Firewire 800 DC Plug is in use the Power Management settings must be set as follows:

Menu>Power Management>Charging from PC>Fast

With this setting, charging from the Firewire or USB will be enabled. If Firewire DC plug is in use and connect to a wall outlet, the digital back will use the firewire port as the power source and only use the USB 3.0 port as a data port so that the power will not be drained from the computer. 

DT Testing Results

We performed tests and found the results quite favorable. With the IQ back set to use the most power for an entire day the IQ back battery never lost its charge. As you can imagine this can be quite helpful for many of our clients. 

Interested in purchasing?

The Firewire 800 DC Plug is now available through our online store for $25.00. If you require a Power Adaptor for Battery Charger (with International Outlet Adaptors) that is also available for $50.00. 

Info/Demo Request


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